Course curriculum

  • 1

    Start Here

    • Zoom Link for Live Classes

    • Things To Know for the Program

  • 2


    • 1-1 Form Review Sessions

    • Practice Hours Log

    • Full Teacher's Manual

    • Theory Exam

  • 3

    Pre-Course Materials

    • Before the Course Starts...

    • Loosening the Joints: Basic Silk Reeling

    • Postural Training: Wall Wuji

    • Clearing Stagnant Qi: Seated Healing Sounds

    • Conditioning the Breath: Feather Breathing

  • 4

    Week 1 | Live Class & Learning Materials

    • Live Class Replay | Week 1

    • Lecture | Historical Overview of Qigong

    • Form Details | Wuji - Part 1

    • Form Details | Foundational Flow 1 - Compressing the Pearl

    • Form Details | Foundational Flow 2 - Flying Hands

    • Form Details | Foundational Flow 3 - Opening the Chest

    • Form Details | Foundational Flow 4 - Upholding the Moon

    • Notes

  • 5

    Week 1 | Practice

    • Practice | Full Body Basic Silk Reeling

    • Practice | Spinal Enlivening Series 1

    • Practice | Shaking & Standing Meditation

    • Practice | Foundational Flows 1 - 4

  • 6

    Week 2 | Live Class & Learning Materials

    • Live Class Replay

    • Lecture | Qi, Gong, & Huang

    • Form Details | Wuji - Part 2

    • Form Details | Foundational Flow 5 - Swimming Dragon

    • Form Details | Foundational Flow 6 - Diagonal Flying

    • Form Details | Foundational Flow 7 - Cow Gazes at the Moon

    • Form Details | Foundational Flow 8 - Heavenly Bow

    • Notes

  • 7

    Week 2 | Practice

    • Practice | Silk Reeling

    • Practice | Spinal Enlivening - Series 1

    • Practice | Dredging the Channels

    • Shaking & Standing Meditation

    • Practice | Eight Foundational Flows

  • 8

    Week 3 | Learning Materials

    • Live Class Replay

    • Lecture | The Three Treasures

    • Lecture | The Three Dan Tians

    • Lecture | Four Basic Stances of Qigong

    • Form Details | Qi Scattering

    • Notes

  • 9

    Week 3 | Practice

    • Warm Up | Silk Reeling - Basic Set

    • Warm Up & Stretch | Spinal Enlivening - Series 1

    • Stretch | Spreading the Feathers

    • Stretch | Owl Turns Its Head

    • Purge | Dredging the Channels

    • Purge | Qi Scattering Set

    • Purge & Build | Shaking & Wuji

    • Circulate | Eight Foundational Flows

    • Meditation | Relaxation from the Dan Tian

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    Week 4 | Learning Materials

    • Live Class Replay

    • Form Details | The Three Treasures

    • Lecture | Extraordinary Channels & Points

    • Notes for Week 4

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    Week 4 | Practice

    • Warm Up | Silk Reeling - Tray of Teacups

    • Stretch | Owl Turns Its Head

    • Warm Up & Stretch | Spinal Enlivening - Series 2

    • Purge | Qi Scattering Set

    • Purge & Build | Shaking & Standing Meditation

    • Circulate | The Three Treasures

    • Meditation | Ice, Water, & Steam

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    Week 5 | Learning Materials

    • Live Class Replay | Qigong Session

    • Live Class Replay | Q & A + Meditation

    • Lecture | Safe Stretching: Tension vs Compression

    • Lecture | Safe Stretching: Dynamic Unifying Opposition

    • Form Details | Tiger Crouches in the Grass

    • Form Details | 3 Part Triangle Stretch

    • Form Details | Leg Swing + Quad Stretch

    • Form Details | Phoenix Lunge

    • Form Details | Peacock Stands on One Leg (Heron)

    • Notes

    • Teaching Assignment

  • 13

    Week 5 | Practice

    • Silk Reeling | Single Teacups

    • Daoyin | Five Lower Body Openers

    • Purge | Dredging the Channels

    • Shake & Wuji

    • Flow | The Three Treasures

    • Meditation | Stream of Breath to the Dan Tian

  • 14

    Week 6 | Learning Materials

    • Lecture | Intro to the Five Elements

    • Notes

    • Live Class Replay | Qigong & Meditation Session

    • Live Class Replay | Q & A Session

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    Week 6 | Practice

    • Silk Reeling | Full Body Set

    • Silk Reeling | Tray of Teacups

    • Silk Reeling | Single Teacups

    • Daoyin | Owl Turns Its Head

    • Daoyin | Five Lower Body Openers

    • Purge | Qi Scattering

    • Purge | Dredging the Channels

    • Build | Wuji Posture

    • Circulate | Three Treasures Flow & Postures

    • Meditation | Harmonizing the Three Dan Tians

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    Week 7 | Learning Materials

    • Live Class Replay | Full Class

    • Meditation | Cleansing the Organs with Light

    • Form Details | Buddha Holds Up the Earth

    • Form Details | The Fountain

    • Form Details | Tree Sways in the Wind

    • Form Details | Cloudy Hands

    • Form Details | Pebble in the Pond

    • Lecture | Physical Aspects of the Five Elements

    • Teaching Assignment: Tone & Volume

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    Week 7 | Practice

    • Spinal Enlivening | Neutral Stance

    • Daoyin | Stork Spreads Its Feathers

    • Five Animal Daoyin | Dragon (Water)

    • Five Animal Daoyin | Leopard (Wood)

    • Five Animal Daoyin | Snake (Earth)

    • Shaking & Standing Meditation

    • Circulate | Five Element Flow

    • Meditation | Cleansing the Organs with Light

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    Week 8 | Learning Materials

    • Live Class Replay | Qigong Session

    • Live Class Replay | Q & A

    • Form Details | Dragon

    • Form Details | Leopard

    • Form Details | Snake

    • Lecture | Emotional & Energetic Aspects of the Five Elements

    • Teaching Assignment - Taking Your Own Class

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    Week 8 | Practice

    • Warm Up | Spinal Enlivening Series 2

    • Daoyin | Stork Spreads Its Feathers

    • 5 Animal Daoyin | Dragon

    • 5 Animal Daoyin | Leopard

    • 5 Animal Daoyin | Snake

    • Purge | Shaking

    • Build & Circulate | 5 Element Flow + Zhan Zhuang Postures

    • Meditation | Metal Element Journey

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    Week 9 | Learning Materials

    • Form Details | 5 Element Zhan Zhuang Postures

    • Form Details | Tiger

    • Form Details | Crane

    • Lecture | The 6 Healing Sounds

    • Live Class Replay | Qigong & Meditation Session

    • Live Class Replay | Q & A + Teaching Lesson

  • 21

    Week 9 | Practice

    • Warm Up | Spinal Enlivening - Series 1

    • Warm Up | Qi Scattering

    • Daoyin | Stork Spreads Its Feathers

    • 5 Animal Daoyin | Tiger

    • 5 Animal Daoyin | Crane

    • Purge | Shaking

    • Purge | 6 Healing Sounds - Immortal Pushes the Stone

    • Build & Circulate | 5 Element Flow & Zhan Zhuang Postures

    • Meditation | Water Element Journey

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    Week 10 | Learning Materials

    • Live Class Replay | Qigong & Meditation Session

    • Live Class Replay | Q&A + Marketing Lesson

    • Lecture | The Five Spirits

    • Form Details | Immortal Pushes the Stone

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    Week 10 | Practice

    • Warm Up | Spinal Enlivening - Series 1

    • 5 Animal Daoyin | Tiger

    • 5 Animal Daoyin | Crane

    • 6 Healing Sounds | Immortal Pushes the Stone

    • Shaking

    • Flow | Daoist Five + Zhan Zhuang Postures

    • Meditation | Wood Element Journey

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    Week 11 | Learning Materials

    • Form Details | The Daoist Five

    • Learning Activity | Tracing the 12 Primary Channels

    • Live Class Replay | Qigong & Meditation Session

    • Live Class Replay | Q&A + Videography Lesson

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    Week 11 | Practice

    • Warm Up | Silk Reeling

    • Stretch | Stork Spreads Its Feathers

    • 5 Animal Daoyin | Dragon

    • 5 Animal Daoyin | Leopard

    • 5 Animal Daoyin | Snake

    • 5 Animal Daoyin | Tiger

    • 5 Animal Daoyin | Crane

    • 6 Healing Sounds | Phoenix Washes Its Feathers

    • Shaking

    • Build & Circulate | Daoist Five + Postures

    • Meditation | Fire Element Journey

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    Week 12 | Learning Materials

    • Live Class Replay | Qigong & Meditation Session

    • Live Class Replay | Q&A + Digital Media Business Skills

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    Week 12 | Practice

    • Freeform

    • Meditation | Earth Element Journey

12 Week Program Includes:

  • Weekly Live Group Practice and Q & A (Every Saturday - Replays Available)

  • Detailed instruction in dozens of Qigong, Meditation, and Daoyin forms

  • A beautifully filmed follow-along video library demonstrating all exercises taught in the course

  • 2 Private 1-1s with Nick's Certified Form Coaches to dial in your exercises

  • Dozens of Lessons on History, Philosophy, Anatomy, Chinese Medicine, and other knowledge relevant to Qigong

  • A Teacher's Manual detailing everything taught in the lectures

  • Access to a private Facebook group to connect with other participants

  • Have your profile appear on the "Find A Teacher" page of

  • Exclusive discounts on future Immersion Programs and Level 2 Courses


What previous graduates have to say...

"You have taught me things that I never learned from any other teacher"

Maria P

I participated in Lee's Teacher Training program not only once but TWICE. I regularly attend his live subscription classes, I never miss a Master Class and I have trained with Daisy Lee, Roger Jahnke, Nan Lu, Master Ming Tong, Kathy Yang and Ken Cohen. While each one of those teachers is incredible in his/her own right and I have learned so much from them, you have taught me things that I never learned from any other teacher. You are extremely humble about how much you know and I appreciate the wonderful way you have woven so much detailed information into each and every lesson.

"I can't wait for Level 2!"

Devi (Deborah)

I discovered Qigong around March 2020 and fell in love with it. I have been practicing and teaching yoga for 20 years and found Qigong to be similar to yoga but deeper, more fulfilling, complete and full of “super-sized” goodness (if you will). I started taking various online Qigong classes until I found Nick’s classes. I stuck with Nick because he has such a fantastic way of teaching that helps you understand how you’re supposed to move your body and breathe and helping you to feel the energy within. His visualizations help you get lost in the flow and let go of your stress and worries. His teacher training was also filled with this amazing process which made it easy to remember how to move and lead students to find their inner balance. I can’t wait for level 2!!

Extremely worthwhile, even for a non-teacher...

Joel P

Even though I’m unlikely to do any formal teaching, I found this course to be extremely worthwhile. I had been learning qigong by following YouTube videos, including Nick’s, since just before the pandemic started shutting things down. This training has provided me with a fundamental understanding of qigong and a solid framework for developing my daily practice. I go back to the videos I had been following and now understand why this form or why that routine. Nick is a wonderful teacher. The three hour classes are well balanced between lectures and practice. He brings esoteric Chinese spirituality and medical theory into terms and concepts that we Westerners can relate to. I highly recommend this training for anyone who wants to deepen their qigong practice, whether or not they intend to teach.

Nick gives you the tools for starting your own business

Linda Diaz

I was in Nick's first group of students in the "Teacher Training" program and loved it! You will learn so much about the history of Qigong. Nick gives you the tools for starting your own business. You will learn about anatomy and safety (yes, it is an exercise program and you can become injured). Nick is a great illustrator and communicator of all the moves, whether it is standing postures, stretches, purges, or flows. You will learn how to structure your practice, and how to modify a position based upon your students abilities. You will learn many practices (my favorite practice is the "Secret Sounds") plus some calming and soothing meditations. Nick is exceptional at answering questions and following his FB group. I could go on and on how much I appreciate his expertise and knowledge. An amazing benefit of joining, you will have access to a library of the movements and have access to recorded course lessons. If you are looking to delve deeper into Qigong, or to become a certified teacher, think about signing up for his course. Not only will you feel better, you can share this gift with your friends and family.


Gry Slinning Haavardsholm

I highly recommend Nick Loffree Teacher Training. As a teacher I find him highly knowledgeable, modest and respectful for everyone and everything. His word “Do no harm” reflects his teaching. He patiently goes through every movement and teaches us how to do them correctly. It has taken me some time to do some of the movements correctly. Worthwhile!! Suddenly something wonderful his happening as my body and breath moves more fluently - and as correctly as my body is capable to do. His Teacher Training course has made me more aware of how wonderful Qi Gong is. As a result of his teaching and the content in this course, Qi Gong has started to integrate more and more into my daily life. I live in Norway. Though the time differences made it hard to attend the live sessions, he followed up by posting the sessions as a part of the program. Therefore, I had no problems with following the program and taking the exam. Anyone could mail him questions and they were answered on the next live session. The one to one sessions were so valuable. It felt as he was in my living room. I realized that he had not problem seeing what needed corrections. He was spot on! Likewise, I could easily follow his teaching. I am truly grateful that I decided to sign up for his Teacher Training. I honestly believe that it has had an impact on my health, wellbeing and daily life.

Learn More

Nick explains the program in detail.


  • Can I do this if I don't want to teach?

    Yes! The course is set up so that you can simply skip the lessons that are about teaching and business skills. About 80% of the course is just about learning/practicing Qigong, so you will get a lot out of it for just yourself.

  • What if I can't make the Live classes?

    All good! We always post replays of the Live Classes which you can watch on your own time. You can even submit questions for the Live Q & A's by email.

  • Can I do this course Self-Paced?

    Yes! You have lifetime access to the course content and class replays. If you want to be certified, you have up to one year from the end date of the program to complete the requirements (write the exam, complete the form-checks, log 50 hours practice).

  • Is there a payment plan option?

    Yes, there are several! Scroll down to see pricing options. We strive to make it affordable, but if you are in serious financial hardship, shoot us an email with your story to apply for one of our scholarship opportunities. We offer a limited number of discounted scholarships, as well as one full free scholarship, each time we run the course. Let us know which you are applying for and why, and we are happy to consider you.

  • Will I be certified from this? Can I get insurance?

    There are currently no government regulations on teaching Qigong in the US. Residents of others countries should check local laws, but we have come across very few issues with this among graduates. We do provide our own "Nick Loffree Qigong Level 1 Instructor" certificate, which you can provide to Studios or Gyms alongside your resume, or to private liability insurance companies. We have found to be helpful. If you are already insured for Yoga, Massage, Acupuncture, etc, you can contact your insurer to add Qigong as a modality.

  • When are the Live Classes?

    The live classes are usually about 3 hours and feature a full length practice, meditation, lesson, and Q & A session. First class will be on February 17, 2024. Last class is May 4, 2024. Classes will be held at 7am Pacific, 10am Eastern, every Saturday. Times may change after March 26 (when we move to Japan).

  • What is your refund policy?

    We offer an 80% refund up until the start date of the course, or a full credit towards a future online program. After the course begins only credits are offered, up until week 2 of the course.

  • What is the time commitment per week for this course?

    The course can be self paced, or you can go through it in the 12 weeks with the group. To get through the course in 12 weeks, you would invest about 7-8 hours per week. This includes 3-4 hours for the live class or replay, 1-2 hours to watch the weekly lecture and form instruction videos, and 1-3 hours of personal practice using the provided videos.

  • Can I do my 1-1 sessions with Nick?

    Yes! In the Pricing Options below you can choose the "QTT + 1-1s with Nick" option. With the other options, you still get the Live group Q&A sessions with Nick, but your 1-1s to check your forms are done with one of our Certified Form Coaches.

Pricing options

All payment plans are for the basic program. If you would like to do your 1-1 sessions with Nick instead of his Certified Form Coaches, select "QTT + 1-1s with Nick".


Head Instructor

Nick Loffree

Nick grew up near Toronto, Canada. As a teenager, he had several healing and mystifying experiences with psychedelic drugs that peaked his interest in eastern philosophy and Shamanism. Unfortunately, like many adolescent "psychonauts", he was too emotionally unstable for the range of physical, social, chemical, and spiritual stressors he put himself through. At 17 he was checked into a mental hospital for psychosis, and spent 2 years on anti-psychotic medications. During that time he began to intensely explore the healing potential of Meditation, Yoga, Prayer, and (non-pharmacological) Shamanic practices. These explorations gradually gave him the ability to wean off psych meds, though the long list of mental and physical side effects by then had already become chronic illnesses. From there his explorations took him into nutrition, Chinese medicine, and Qigong. He became a certified Yoga teacher through Eoin Finn's "Blissology Yoga" school. In 2014 he moved to Santa Cruz, California to study with Qigong Master and Chinese Medicine Practitioner Lee Holden. This study turned into a 3.5 year internship, where Nick was able to shadow Lee both in the classroom and the clinic, as well as studying under visiting masters from around the world. It was in Santa Cruz that Nick was truly able to rediscover his health and vitality. Nick has since been a Senior Instructor with Holden QiGong, an on-site movement instructor at 1440 Multiversity for Silicon Valley company retreats (including Google, Twitter, Apple, and many more), a Qigong teacher at Evolve Outpatient Youth Mental Hospitals, a PTSD Movement Therapy Instructor for Firefighters, Police, and Military with Resiliency First Inc, and a Qigong and Taoist Yoga teacher with many of the top Yoga Studios and Fitness centers across Silicon Valley. In 2020, Nick began using his experience with this wide variety of students to create his online programs. He has been running Qigong Teacher Trainings since 2021, certifying hundreds of people in his style of Qigong. He runs retreats and lives/learns/films around the world, always seeking to better his knowledge, practice, and ability to help others discover their healing potential. He currently lives in Boise, Idaho with his wife Charity and their daughter Meadow, where they love to explore the mountains, rivers, snow, and hot springs.

Ready to Start Your Next Big Move?

Whether it's for your health, spiritual journey, career, or helping others, this program will get you moving on your path.